"故事" (or “Story” in English) is a popular Chinese song that was originally released in 2008 by a Taiwanese singer and songwriter, Ai Yi Lin (or 更紗Ai). The song gained much popularity and became a hit in China after it was used as the theme song for a popular Chinese drama series, "The Fierce Wife", in 2010. The popularity of the song led to the release of an English version of "故事" under the title "Story". In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of the song and its English version.
The Story behind the Song
The song "故事" tells the story of a couple who have been through all the ups and downs of a relationship, including breakups and makeups, but eventually end up getting back together. The lyrics of the song convey the message that no matter how difficult things get in a relationship, true love will always triumph in the end. The song became hugely popular in China, not only because of its catchy tune but also because of the relatable message it conveyed to many people who have gone through similar experiences in their relationships.
Analysis of the Song Lyrics
The lyrics of "Story" are both touching and inspiring. The song begins with the lines, "I don't know how to say goodbye. I don't know how to let you go." These lines convey the pain, confusion, and uncertainty that many people feel when they are going through a difficult time in their relationship. However, the chorus of the song offers hope and a message of strength and resilience, "We will go on, and on and on, even if it's not perfect, we'll keep writing our love story." These lines encourage listeners to keep fighting for their love, no matter what obstacles they may face.
English Version of "Story"
The English version of "Story" was released in 2011, translated and sung by Malaysian singer Fish Leong. The English version is a faithful adaptation of the original Chinese song, retaining the same melody and meaning. The song received positive reviews and was well received by listeners in China and other parts of the world.
"Story" is a beautiful and inspiring song that has touched the hearts of many people around the world. The song offers a message of hope, perseverance, and love, and encourages us to keep fighting for the things that matter most to us. It is an example of the power of music to bring people together and to inspire us to be better versions of ourselves. Whether in Chinese or English, "Story" is a song that has the potential to touch the heart and soul of anyone who listens to it.