> 文章列表 > 拜年风俗会逐渐消退吗英文




Today, there\'s no need to pay a new year call because we have already finished celebrating the new year.


The English translation for \"拜年\" is \"Happy New Year\".

春节已经过去了,英文,可不可以说“Spring Festival has been over”?

Actually, the more appropriate expression would be \"Spring Festival has gone\". Using \"been\" implies a passive meaning, but the festival itself doesn\'t pass by anyone, so it\'s better to use the active form. By the way, Spring Festival is not exactly a \"节气\" (solar term), but rather a period of time. So \"has gone\" is more suitable. (By the way, \"呵呵\" means \"haha\" in Chinese, it\'s a cute expression used to lighten the mood.)


The English translation for \"拜年\" is \"pay a new year call\" and \"wish ... a happy new year\". For example: \"Best wishes for the holidays and happiness.\" As for \"今天我去拜年\" (Today I\'m going to pay a new year call), it can be expressed in English as \"Today, I will go to pay a new year call\".


The Chinese phrase \"过新年\" can be understood as \"celebrating the new year\". Therefore, the English translation would be \"celebrate the new year\".

新年习俗英文简介及中文翻译 - CIDDRgZpjbB 的回答

Chinese New Year Celebration is the most important celebration of the year. Chinese people may celebrate the Chinese New Year by...


In Germany, during New Year\'s celebration, people place fish scales in their wallets and jump on chairs when the clock strikes. The celebration lasts for about a week. During this period, every household decorates a spruce or pine tree with silk flowers, symbolizing the beauty of blooming flowers and spring. In addition...


Where are you now? Come to my house at two o\'clock! I will take you to my home to pay a new year call!


The term \"农历新年\" is usually translated into English as \"Lunar New Year\" or \"Chinese New Year\". \"Lunar\" means \"农\".